Is Caffeine a Nootropic?

Is Caffeine Considered a Nootropic?

What is Caffeine?

CoffeeCaffeine is defined as a substance that works in the body as a central nervous system stimulant. It is a part of the methylxanthine class and it is one of the most popular drugs on the face of the planet. It alters mood, behavior, mental awareness, and even thinking.  The way it works is by blocking the action of adenosine on its receptors; subsequently, this prevents the body from becoming drowsy.  Caffeine is in a lot of supplements, especially when it comes to smart drugs and smart pills.  It can be found in energy drinks, teas, sodas, pills, and seemingly hundreds of other products and supplements.  It is a common ingredient in many nootropic stacks. Especially nootropic stacks which focus on memory, cognitive function, energy, or overall mental acuity.

That said, to determine if caffeine is a nootropic, we must first start by identifying the properties of a nootropic, and whether caffeine fits the bill!

What is a Nootropic?

In modern times, the word “nootropic” has become synonymous with the term “smart drug.” Nootropics have become very popular lately, especially among Western culture.  Nootropics can be classified in three categories including prescription drugs, synthetic substances, and dietary supplements.

The actual term “nootropic” was first coined in 1960s from the latin terms “noos” and “tropein” (which mean mind and bend, respectively) by the Romanian scientist Corneliu E. Giurgea. Nootropics are typically defined as substances which purportedly improve cognitive function with little to no side effects. These cognitive function facets include executive function, attention span, memory, creativity, energy, and motivation. In short, these drugs or supplements typically aim to enhance the function of the mind and body.

Giurgea’s five criteria for a substance being a nootropic include:

  • It must aid or improve working memory or learning in some way
  • It should support brain function under hypoxic conditions
  • It should protect the brain from physical or chemical toxicity in some way
  • It must enhance natural cognitive function
  • It must be non-toxic to humans.

These criteria help determine if a substance is a nootropic or not, and reconfirm that caffeine is not a nootropic for multiple reasons; however, this does not mean that caffeine cannot provide nootropic effects.

Is Caffeine a Nootropic?

In short: Not exactly, caffeine is not considered a nootropic. But there are definitely some nootropic effects which caffeine provides.  Thus, there are also different values in the types of caffeine we consume, and some caffeine is going to be better for the body and offer better effects than others. To clarify: not all types of caffeine are made equal. And those types which are natural, are additionally unequal, as they contain varying amounts (and strengths) of caffeine.

Important note: While caffeine may offer some nootropic benefits, no studies have proven that caffeine can improve memory directly by itself.  Additionally, no studies exist which can prove caffeine offers any neuroprotective advantages.

How Much Caffeine is Too Much?

Coffee at WorkWith that all said, the average person consumes between 50 and 90 mg of caffeine per day. This is not hard to accomplish considering the average cup of coffee contains about 70 to 130 mg of caffeine. Ironically, most people have their coffee in the morning, despite the fact it would be arguably more beneficial in the late morning or early afternoon.  This is because it can battle the effects of the adenosine building up in the system throughout the day (something we will get into later in this article), but is still early enough to allow the effects of caffeine to wear off before bedtime.  Remember, caffeine can last up to twelve hours in the system!

But before we go any further, let’s define the term nootropic, and explain a bit more about what it means for a substance to be a nootropic.

Nootropic Effects of Caffeine

The effects of caffeine will range from person to person, including both intensity and duration.  Generally, caffeine will offer increased mental alertness, physical energy, and enhanced memory and cognitive function.

Caffeine is an easily absorbable nootropic in the body.  Normally, the effects of caffeine are felt between 10 and 30 minutes of ingestion.  It can be faster when caffeine is consumed as a supplement or a nootropic stack.

Some of the negative effects of too much caffeine (especially synthetic caffeine) can include increased breathing, increased heartrate, headaches, and even a heavy crash. This is why it is important to consume proper doses of healthy caffeine only.

How Caffeine Actually Works in the Body

Working In BodyAs previously mentioned, caffeine works by inhibiting the process normally allowed through adenosine.  It literally binds to the adenosine receptors in its place, ensuring that the cell maintains its normal productivity and cannot slow down.  It even speeds up some of the processes produced by these receptors. Basically, caffeine is an adenosine receptor antagonist.

Adenosine itself is a neurotransmitter that creates a natural balance and serenity in the brain, encouraging relaxation and promoting drowsiness. As the day moves forward, more and more adenosine builds up, which explains why people generally become more tired later in the day. Essentially, adenosine works like a messenger in the brain, binding to nerve cell receptors and making the brain feel tired.

Caffeine has been known to improve mood by encouraging the production of dopamine in the system. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter as well and is responsible for mood. It also influences behavior.

It is also noteworthy that caffeine can constrict blood vessels in the brain, which is why caffeine often solves a headache rather quickly. Still, too much caffeine can also promote a headache, thus it should always be consumed in responsible, healthy doses.  Unfortunately, too much caffeine can also cause muscle tension, which can become unpleasant when experienced from heavier doses of caffeine.

Larger doses of caffeine typically create an effect known as the “jitters,” which may last a long while depending upon the amount of the overdose. Jitters can be accompanied by headache, shakiness, and even nausea.

Difference Between Synthetic Caffeine and Natural Caffeine

There are two primary forms of caffeine: synthetic caffeine and natural caffeine. Synthetic caffeine is typically found in energy drinks, sodas, and a variety of supplements (including many smart drugs on the market).  Natural caffeine is metabolized from natural herbs and plants and is not created by man.  This caffeine is arguably far better for the body, as it was intended to be metabolized naturally from the consumption of the plants it is found within.

To summarize: allowing natural caffeine to metabolize in the body via supplement or food gives the body a chance to work it into the system in a non-aggressive, purer fashion, whereas synthetic caffeine often provides too much of a boost all at once.

List of Plants Containing Caffeine

Many examples of plants that contain caffeine could be cited, but some of the strongest include green tea (and all tea), guarana, the coffee plant, cola tree, cacao tree, and yerba mate. The best nootropic supplements will make use of the natural caffeine that is metabolized from these plants. For example, Piratall utilizes a potent green tea extract that gives the body the energy boost and focus it needs, without any of the negative side effects of synthetic caffeine, including crash.

Should All Nootropic Stacks Include Caffeine?

Coffee PlantNot all nootropic stacks require caffeine to be effective. Some nootropic stacks only focus on the production of memory for example, and there are plenty of nootropic plants which offer memory-enhancing effects without the use of caffeine. But for those stronger, cognitive enhancers, some form of caffeine is almost always included. This is because caffeine can be an excellent aid to the effects other nootropics provide.

That all said, there is definitely a use for caffeine within nootropic stacks and supplements, and it can go a long way in contributing to the boost to mental acuity, memory, and energy that is sought after by taking these supplements. If the goal of the supplement has anything to do with cognitive enhancement, it is almost always suggestable that there is some source of caffeine within the supplement.

Final Words on Caffeine as a Nootropic

All-in-all, caffeine is most certainly not a nootropic; however, it possesses many nootropic properties, and it offers many nootropic effects. It is included in many nootropic stacks for these reasons. But with that said, there is also most certainly a difference between synthetic caffeine and natural caffeine, and natural caffeine is the clear winner. It provides a lot of the stimulating, brain-enhancing effects without the side effects and crash.  This is why our products only contain natural sources of caffeine, allowing the body to retrieve the nootropic benefits without any negative effects.  Natural caffeine is by far a very valuable constituent of successful nootropic stacks, especially smart pills like Piratall.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been approved by the FDA. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This article is meant for educational purposes only and should be considered explanatory of the research the author has conducted.

What Is Nootropic Cycling?

Does Nootropics Cycling Work?

Nootropic Cycling: Defined

NootropicsNootropic cycling should be defined as the modification of dosage plans for a nootropic supplement in order to reduce the tolerance buildup of said supplement, thereby encouraging the maximum effects of the supplement more regularly. A natural development of tolerance is a normal process, and a good thing in the sense that most things in life (substances especially) require some level of getting used to.  However, when it comes to a supplement that an individual relies upon in order to achieve certain effects, it can be a real downer when tolerance becomes too high.  This is true for nootropics as much as any other supplement.

Nootropics are often considered some of the most powerful brain-enhancing supplements, and they work by improving the way the body and mind function.  Therefore, it is important to recognize when they are losing their strength and to understand how to modify dosing strategies to improve the situation.

What is Tolerance and Why Does It Happen?

Tolerance buildup is a typical physiological condition implemented by the body as it gets used to the effects of a supplement. Understanding how the phenomena occurs will best help an individual avoid the tolerance trap. Developing a tolerance after regularly taking a supplement or substance means the body is less likely to respond to them with the same effectiveness, at least in terms of what can be experienced and felt. While the body is always seeking a level of homeostasis, or self-regulated processing to adhere to a stable state and condition, substances can greatly affect this state and alter its ability to remain or attain its most stable state.

SlothThe reason a substance or supplement is so much more effective from the start is largely due to the concept of physiological surprise.  In another sense, it is the first time the body is being acquainted with a substance, and it will metabolize it directly with no regard to homeostasis.  The more the body consumes the substance, the more it develops biological adaptations and measures to moderate how the substance is metabolized. This can include critical body mechanisms such as blood pressure, glucose and fluid levels, heart rate, body temperature, and more.

One of the prime methodologies the body has naturally produced to alter the way it metabolizes a nootropic, is its ability to constrict or increase the production of neurotransmitters.  In terms of tolerance, the body will always attempt to “neutralize” a substance or supplement, even a nootropic, by modifying its natural neurotransmitter production to maintain homeostasis.

In the simplest of senses, the more a substance is consumed, the more the body gets used to it, and prevents its full effects from being experienced.

In terms of nootropics, most supplements will still do their job, even if tolerance is developed.  Tolerance in this case usually just means the effects are felt less.  This is why nootropic cycling is so important. That said, it is still important to better understand nootropic tolerance and how it works.

Can You Build Tolerance to Nootropics?

Nootropics, like any other substance or supplement, are prone to tolerance buildup over time. As the body gets used to the nootropic, it will develop a natural tolerance. This does not mean that the nootropic is rendered worthless, as much of its value is still present and worthwhile. In most cases, it only means that the effects of the nootropic will be physically felt or noticed less.  It is worth mentioning that all nootropics will have different tolerance buildups, and that each buildup will be different from body to body.  Meaning, each person will experience varying levels of nootropic tolerance. Fortunately, it is possible to circumvent the development of tolerance, with a good nootropic cycling plan.

How to Prevent Nootropics Tolerance

There are some steps which can be implemented to prevent nootropic tolerance from building up in the system, namely, taking nootropics in cycles, rather than continuously. In other words, a good nootropic cycling plan can prevent nootropic tolerance buildup in the system.  An effective nootropic cycling regimen will be different from individual to individual. And no individual will experience the same effects from any one nootropic, or from nootropic cycling. For example, one person may notice their huperzine a dosage is becoming less and less effective after a few months, while another person may notice this negative development at a slower pace.  These two individuals will similarly have different, effective nootropic cycling regimens.

Understanding your body and how it metabolizes nootropics is one of the best ways to develop an effective nootropic cycling plan. Understanding more about the nootropics which are included in a particular stack can help an individual better comprehend how the nootropics will metabolize, as well as better analyze the effects the individual is experiencing from each nootropic.

While tolerance buildup is typically associated with addiction, it is important to note that most nootropics will not possess addiction-inducing values and are largely free of addiction-oriented properties. Some nootropics, however, such as caffeine, will possess addiction properties, and should be watched more carefully. For this reason, Pirate Botanicals uses only caffeine-free formulae.

How to Cycle Nootropics

Depending upon the nootropic, the cycling plan may vary greatly. This process relies heavily upon trial and error, in order to achieve an effective regimen.  Even if a nootropic supplement states it should be taken every day, sometimes, it is wise to take a few days off to reduce tolerance and maintain satisfactory effects.  The mechanisms within the body which metabolize the nootropic substances will be able to recalibrate and their ability to properly incorporate the nootropic to its fullest capacity will be reinvigorated.

RestIt is worth noting that natural nootropics (as opposed to synthesized nootropics) are some of the lowest tolerance-building nootropics available. Nootropics that are synthesized, such as synthetic caffeine, often require the most cycling, even being suggested for use only 2-4 times per week. Other nootropics which require longer durations in between use include adrafinil, Phenibut, sulbutiamine, racetams, and noopept. Because nootropics such as guarana and green tea extract metabolize as a natural form of caffeine, they can be used more often.

Pirate Botanicals supplements are comprised of some of the strongest functioning nootropics available, and these ingredients require less cycling than most nootropics. This is partly because Pirate Botanicals products are 100 percent natural ingredients only. Still, it is wise to take a few days off from time to time to allow the body to “reset,” and ultimately giving the body a chance to re-experience the same, powerful nootropic effects that are felt from the start.  Generally, Pirate Botanicals will suggest a cycle of 30 days on the supplement and 3 days off the supplement.

Final Words on Nootropics Cycling

Ultimately, understanding nootropic tolerance and tolerance in general can help one prevent the buildup of tolerance in their system. And in summary, the more a supplement is consumed the more the body will acclimate to the supplement’s effects, and the less the effects will be felt and experienced. Fine tuning a nootropic cycling plan will help individuals who regularly consume nootropics maintain the potency of the effects the nootropics offer. Creating or finding the best nootropic stacks can help eliminate the necessity to cycle as often, giving users the opportunity to make better use of the nootropic ingredients, more often.

WeeklyA very popular strategy for Pirate Botanicals supplements is cycling 4-5 weeks on the supplement, followed by 3-4 days off the supplement. This schedule provides the body an opportunity to reset the effects of our supplements and maximizes the overall effects, overtime. The ingredients in Piratall are all-natural and require far less cycling than many other nootropics, making the stack just as valuable in the long run as the short run.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been approved by the FDA. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This article is meant for educational purposes only and should be considered explanatory of the research the author has conducted.

Best Adaptogenic Nootropics

Best Nootropic Adaptogens

What Are Adaptogens?

Protecting your mental state of being is an extremely important facet of being a balanced human being. People do all sorts of things to keep themselves happy, healthy, and focused throughout their day.  And while there are many mindful practices, yoga techniques, and meditation skills which can help improve the mental state, there are also supplements which can help improve mind wellness.All Natural

Adaptogens are nature’s organic way to improve mental wellbeing. An adaptogen can be defined as an herbal substance that helps the mind and body adapt to and cope with stress. They are best explained as having the ability to create a normalizing effect on the natural processes of the body, helping the body achieve and maintain a stress-free homeostasis. In short, adaptogenic substances are a staple in holistic healing and help the body stabilize physiological processes.

Although adaptogens have been around for a long time, it is arguable to say their true start of being recognized as stress-relieving and health and balance promoting properties began around eight thousand years ago with Ashwagandha.  For this reason, it could be argued that humans have successfully been using adaptogens for around two thousand years. The term “adaptogen” itself was first coined in the 1940s by a sophisticated Russian scientist by the name of Dr. Nicolai V. Lazarev.  This man spent a lot of his career studying stress effects within the body, the body’s resistance to said effects, and how certain holistic approaches could diminish the body’s stress response. The term “adaptogen” finds its roots in the Latin phrase “adaptare,” which loosely translates to “to fit and adjust.” The term quickly became associated with substances and herbs which improve the body’s ability to resist stress.

Are There Adaptogenic Nootropics?

Nootropics are substances (natural or synthetic) which help improve performance within the mind or body. And yes, there is such a thing as an adaptogenic nootropic. In fact, perhaps some of the strongest supplements for improving mental well-being are nootropics adaptogens. This is because nootropics already possess the innate ability to improve the body’s performance. Additionally, by definition, adaptogens are natural, which means a nootropic adaptogen is arguably most likely to be accepted by the body and have the greatest impact over the body’s ability to achieve balance, and reduce stress, with as little opportunity for being rejected in terms of effects as possible. All of this also means that while many adaptogens can likely be classified as nootropics, not all nootropics will be classified as adaptogens.

Besides the fact that nootropics are already well-known for their ability to impact the mind, adaptogenic nootropics ultimately improve the body’s ability to fight stress, anxiety, and fatigue.  They will also help improve the body’s overall general wellbeing.

What Are the Best Adaptogenic Nootropics?

While there are literally hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of qualifying nootropics when it comes to adaptogenic properties, some are clearly more responsive and effective than others.

Hawthorn (Crataegus)

Hawthorn is an incredible herb, and it is one of the very few (known) Western herbs with adaptogenic properties.  And its adaptogenic effects are powerful, being able to assist in realigning the body, creating balance and ridding the mind of stresses.  It is natural, generally considered safe for consumption, and found in some of the most potent adaptogenic nootropic stacks.

Hawthorn remains one of the oldest medicinal herbs known to man, getting its start in Ancient Greece, as well as with the Native American population. Both cultures recognized the herb’s ability to help with the heart.  Also known as Crataegus extract, the plant was used as well throughout the Middle Ages of Europe. Even in medieval Europe, it was originally used to combat heart issues.

Hawthorn berry extract is one of the staples in terms of adaptogenic nootropics included in the Piratall formula.

Ginseng (Panax Ginseng and Eleutherococcus senticosus)

GinsengGinseng is a renowned herb in terms of offering adaptogenic effects.  It helps support living organisms in a variety of ways, and in terms of being an adaptogen, helps the body achieve optimal homeostasis.  It’s adaptogenic properties are thought to come from its ability to affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. This results in elevated plasma corticotropin and corticosteroid levels, and ultimately, reduced stress.

The origin of Ginseng can be found in historical the Shangdang district of China during the first century B.C..  The Han dynasty era quickly recognized its powerful medicinal properties. In ancient times, it was used as an anti-aging, energy-bolstering, and aphrodisiac tonic, however, its antioxidant properties were also well-known.  It would be used throughout ancient times to treat cardiovascular, kidney, and reproductive issues.

Siberian Ginseng is often considered one of the strongest strains of ginseng, and it is also included in the Piratall adaptogenic formula.

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea is a powerful adaptogenic plant which develops in the cold, mountainous regions throughout Asia and Europe. It is very commonly found within the Artic wild regions of these areas. Many studies have indicated Rhodiola’s important properties contributing to overall general mental and physical wellness.  It is typically turned to for its ability to reduce stress and fatigue, as well as its ability to increase mental and physical performance.

Rhodiola made its first, recorded historical appearance in 1725.  It was extremely popular amongst the Vikings and was used to enhance and bolster mental and physical endurance. It also has a deep history of use throughout Russia and Scandinavia.

Rhodiola Rosea is a potent constituent of the Pirate Blast formula, offering an array of adaptogenic effects that help make this nootropic stack so great.

L-Theanine (extracted from Camellia sinensis and other plants)

L-Theanine is a potent adaptogen and classified as an amino acid found in tea leaves. It is known for its ability to aid the body’s healthy stress response.  It works by reducing cortisol, a stress hormone naturally produced by the body during anxiety.  It also increases brain alpha wave activity.

Being a relatively newer nootropic, L-Theanine was first discovered in 1949 as a powerful constituent within green tea.  It would be used heavily throughout Japanese culture, and can be found in nearly all types of tea and a variety of fungi.  A more powerful way to utilize L-Theanine through extraction techniques would quickly be unveiled in 1950 working the extraction from gyokuro leaves.

L-Theanine is one of the most effective proponents of the Pirate Chill formula, offering the supplement the opportunity to truly help reduce stress in the mind and body.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Ashwagandha Ashwagandha is a powerful nootropic adaptogen which possesses constituents that may help reduce swelling, lower blood pressure, improve the immune system, and (most relevantly) reduce stress.  The herb is well-known for its ability to create a calming effect in the brain. It has been traditionally used to alter the condition of anxiety and unnecessary stress, helping the body resist mental and physical stress levels.

Ashwagandha is also known as “Indian Winter Cherry” or “Indian Ginseng,” and is an evergreen shrub found throughout India, some parts of Africa, and some parts of the Middle East. Ashwagandha got its start around 6,000 years B.C., being first mentioned in Ayurvedic medicine throughout Ancient India. It has deep-rooted history of being used throughout all of Ancient Indian medicine. The culture used the herb to improve overall health, rejuvenate the system, and improve lifespan.

Bacopa Monnieri

Many reports exist which have outlined Bacopa Monnieri to have potent adaptogenic effects in terms of reducing chronic stress. It is well-known for its ability to reduce and fight anxiety as well as general stress.  Like many other adaptogens, it works by increasing the body’s natural resistance to stress. In addition to these properties, it helps bolster overall mental acuity, which is another reason it is very commonly found in nootropic stacks.

Bacopa Monnieri is a very popular Ayurvedic medicinal herb, having a long history of use throughout traditional Indian healing practices. It has a long history of use dating back as far as the 6th century A.D., and can be found discussed throughout many Sanskrit books including Caraka Samhita, Sushrita Samhita, and Astanga Hridaya. It is a creeping herb and found native in wetland environments throughout Eastern India, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and even the Americas.


Choline, also known as lecithin supplementation, is purported to have strong antistress and adaptogenic functions.  It is an essential nutrient for both humans and many animals, and forms as a cation, creating various salts. It is important to maintain proper Choline levels in order to be in good health.

Choline was first described (and discovered) by a scientist by name Theodore Gobley, while he was working in Paris.  He named the substance after the Greek word “lekithos,” which translates as “egg yolk.” In 1862, a later scientist, Adolph Strecker, discovered that heated bile from lecithin produced the nitrogenous chemical known as Choline.

Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)

Gotu Kola is a mild adaptogen in terms of brain and nervous system function.  However, although it is only considered a mild adaptogen, it has long been used for its other medicinal properties for thousands of years.  It is commonly used throughout India for its powerful anti-aging properties, especially when it comes to the skin.

Gotu Kola has a lot of history throughout Ancient India and is still used to this day in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.  Supporters of the herb claim it has powerful abilities to boost brainpower, promote better liver and kidney function, and heal a variety of skin conditions. The first descript mention of Gotu Kola is found in the Chinese book entitled Shennong Herbal, which dates back to as early as 200 B.C..  This book describes the herb as the “Fountain of Life.”

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

Lemon BalmLemon Balm has been used as an adaptogen for a long time.  It is most frequently used in an herbal tea form.  It is known to reduce anxiety, promote calmness, and induce a feeling of serenity.  It can help with nervous exhaustion and restlessness, while also offering an aromatic fragrance. Lemon Balm is also used to promote a pleasant mood, which comes from its ability to offer the body rosmarinic acid effects.

Lemon Balm originates in North Africa and the Middle East, although it has also been cultivated throughout Southern Europe.  It is a perennial herbaceous plant and belongs to the mint family.  The leaves themselves are easily detectable by their natural lemon scent. And the small white flowers which come completely full of nectar make the plant easy to spot. In fact, the herb’s genus is named after the Greek word for “honey bee.”

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba possess powerful adaptogenic properties, helping the body rid itself of natural stresses.  It works by helping the body handle stressors. It also helps the body counteract the effects of high-stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline. Additionally, it can help promote cognitive function, memory, and mental acuity.

Ginkgo Biloba is considered one of the more “ancient herbs” on this list. It is very commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is one of the oldest living tree species across the globe and dates back as far as the time of the dinosaurs, perhaps even older.  This is why the tree has earned the nickname “living fossil.” There is even a Ginkgo tree in China which is reportedly more than 3,500 years old. Still, it only became popular and well-known throughout Western cultures in the late 1600s after a German botanist named Engelbert Kaempfer found the tree growing in a Japanese temple’s garden.

Astragalus (Astragalus propinquus)

Astragalus is very rarely used alone, however, seems to work wonders when used in combination with other herbs to protect the body against disease and illness.  It is a potent adaptogen, helping the body rid itself of naturally formed stress.  It is also well-known for its use to promote a healthier lifestyle and provides a substantial boost to stamina and endurance. It can help the body fight physical, mental, and even emotional stress, while also containing a number of antioxidant effects.

Astragalus is native to the regions of China, North Korea, and Mongolia.  It has a lot of history being used throughout many Asian cultures and is known as the “Yellow Leader” (or “Huang Qi”).  The plant is easily identifiable by the yellow color of its inner root. While it was only first described in Western literature in 1753 by a scientist known as Carl Linnaeus, it has been recorded in Chinese medical books which date as old as 200 A.D. for its potent therapeutic effects.

Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus)

Lion’s Mane Mushroom is an adaptogen that helps the body fight depression, anxiety, and age-related dementia. It is a member of the many mushrooms which have powerful adaptogenic properties and can greatly help the body maintain balance and reduce negative stressors. It has been suggested that it promotes better daily cycles of sleeping and waking, as well as supporting healthy circadian rhythms and promoting healthy adrenal function.  In addition, it can help promote healthy brain function.

While Lion’s Mane is largely cultivated throughout China and Asia in general, it has been found growing in other, surrounding regions as well.  It has been a part of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries and is typically used in tea preparations.  Also known as “Hou Tou Gu,” the mushroom has been historically consumed to improve brain function, gut health, and to purportedly fight off some cancers. Many Asian monk cultures have been known to utilize powdered Lion’s Mane to improve meditation.

Reishi (Ganoderma lingzhi)

Reishi Reishi is another adaptogenic mushroom that helps support the body’s ability to maintain homeostasis. It also helps promote healthy functioning of the adrenal glands. It can boost immune system function and has a molecular structure similar to steroid hormones. Additionally, it is known to increase the stimulation and production of white blood cells.

Reishi is first noted as being used in traditional Chinese medicine more than two thousand years ago throughout the Han dynasty.  It is also known as “Lingzhi,” which translates to “mushroom of immortality.” Some other common nicknames include “divine mushroom” and “magic fungus.”  Traditionally, it is used to fight viral and bacterial infections, improve cardiovascular function, reduce high cholesterol and blood pressure, as an anti-aging nootropic, and to improve overall well-being.

Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis)

The Schisandra berry produces two main constituents which offer powerful adaptogenic properties. It is able to improve the body’s ability to resist and reduce anxiety. It is a stimulating adaptogen, helping the body promote balance and fight mental, physical, and emotional stress. Traditional medicinal use of the herb suggests it is able to protect against nervous system stress, and even holds anti-inflammatory properties.

Schisandra is a vine plant found native to the forests of China and Russia.  It is also found throughout Korea and Japan.  It is easily recognizable by its magnolia berry fruit, and is commonly called “Five Flavor Fruit.” It has been used for centuries throughout traditional Chinese Medicine and is thought to promote overall “chi,” including energy, virality, and youth.

Using Adaptogenic Nootropics in Your Stack

When discussing the topic of nootropics for the mind, adaptogens are almost always a smart constituent of an effective nootropic stack. They can help massively reduce cortisol levels, stress, and overall anxiety.  They help the body maintain homeostasis and produce a more balanced output of natural chemicals.  Adaptogens give other nootropics a better opportunity to function and secure their potential effects. With all the history supporting the use of adaptogenic nootropics within a healthy cocktail of herbal remedies, it is almost impossible to ignore their value in holistic herbal healing.

Final Words on Nootropic Adaptogens

Healthy PeopleIn a world where information is widely available and so much is known about such a large variety of substances, it is reasonable to assume some of the best nootropic stacks in the world have been developed.  These stacks will almost always include a proper, natural, adaptogenic nootropic. Without a healthy dose of adaptogens, it is arguable the body never has a chance to extract the most out of other nootropics within a stack. For this reason, it is reasonably encouraged that any nootropic stack or supplement include a healthy dose of adaptogens to improve overall nootropic effects.

Our products, especially Piratall, are designed to include appropriate adaptogens which improve the nootropic stack significantly.  After all, a large part of producing a balanced, functioning mind, is ensuring the mind is clear of stress and anxieties. Our nootropic adaptogenic formula is built using natural supplements only, and helps the body achieve and maintain homeostasis.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been approved by the FDA. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This article is meant for educational purposes only and should be considered explanatory of the research the author has conducted.

Best Female Enhancement Pills and Solutions

Best Female Libido Enhancers

What Are Female Enhancement Pills?

Female sexual dysfunction (also called FSD) is quite common in modern times. In fact, it is estimated FSD affects around 40 percent of all women (Chung et al., 2015). A female enhancement pill is any ingredient or combination of ingredients intended to (in some way) improve a woman’s sexual or intimate experience. Some supplements are single-serving pills which are meant to work instantly.  Other herbs and supplements are meant to be used as a daily regimen.  In some cases, the more an herb or supplement is taken on a regular basis, the more effective it becomes (Block et al., 2007).  And of course, while there are many female enhancement formulae, some are more effective than others.  Gaining a basic understanding of how the female libido works can provide some insight in terms of which supplements offer the greatest, libido-boosting value.

How Does the Female Libido Work?

Libido is an individual’s desire for sex or sexual activity (one’s sex drive).  It can be defined as an individual’s given energy associated with sexual instinct and desire. In short, libido could be summarized as “sexual desire” (Britannica, 2019).  Unfortunately, many real-world factors can alter and negatively influence libido. These factors include but are not limited to biological, psychological, and social factors. In other words, if the environment is not right, it could be really hard for a woman to become aroused!

It is imperative to understand that every individual’s sex drive is different (whether they are male or female is relevant). And everyone’s body is different as well. That said, however, a few rules seem to be relevant for most women. For instance, there are some points in a menstrual cycle when libido can spike. Usually, the time when sex drive is highest for a woman are the days before ovulation (Bullivant et al., 2004).  Still, even with these spikes, some women struggle with their sex drive. And science has proven that female sexual dysfunction is associated with a lower quality of life and reduced partner satisfaction (Chung et al., 2015).

Fortunately, there are ways to measure libido in a physical sense. This measurement allows an individual to honestly assess their own libido (to a reasonable extent), and whether it makes sense to pursue a change.  It is also fortunate that there are ways to modify libido using better living practices and a few, natural supplements. And while knowledge about human sexual desire may be limited in general, it is possible to gauge the impact of these modifications by analyzing the perceived increase in physical arousal signs.

Physical Signs a Woman is Aroused

woman aroused

A female’s body will offer a multitude of signs of arousal. Some of the most common physical responses to arousal include an increased pulse and heartbeat, a rise in blood pressure, dilated blood vessels (especially in the genitals), vaginal and vulva lubrication, swollen vulva, labia, and clitoris, possible expansion of the vaginal canal, fuller breasts, and erect nipples (Andersen and Cyranowski, 1995). While it is possible for a woman to experience all these physical responses at once, it is more probable that they will experience only a select number of them.

Additionally, the mind may fall into a greater state of relaxation as arousal is achieved. It may be difficult for a woman to concentrate on something in specific while aroused, as the brain undergoes certain chemical changes during arousal and sexual activity (Bancroft, 1989). And while the brain’s exact changes during intercourse and sexual activity is not completely understood, the brain does function differently at these times (1989).

How Do Female Libido Enhancing Supplements Work?

Female libido enhancing supplements (aka sex pills for women) work by improving the chemical and biological likelihood a female will experience the above-mentioned arousal responses. A female enhancement pill can include one ingredient, a few ingredients, or many ingredients.  These ingredients can be synthesized or natural. Some enhancers might also work as aphrodisiacs, encouraging lower inhibitions and greater interest in intimacy.  Some enhancers increase blood flow in the genital area (and in other erogenous parts of the body), improving relaxation and ultimately sexual enjoyment. And other enhancers simply improve sensitivity and pleasure during sexual activity.  Some herbs and supplements can help improve the female orgasm.  In some situations, female enhancement pills can help women with orgasm trouble finally achieve climax (and faster).

In terms of creating a tantalizing experience which is worth remembering, improved memory nootropics can come in handy. For example, Huperzine A, can increase the likelihood of remembering an experience (Cheng et al., 1996).  Bacopa monnieri and Rhodiola are also known to improve memory.  Huperzine A and Rhodiola are included in Pirate Blast, giving it an additional edge in terms of producing more memorable interactions.

Finding an effective female libido booster may be a difficult task, but it is not rocket science. And while there are many factors to consider when selecting a female enhancement pill, arguably one of the most important constituents of an effective pill is the combination and quality of the ingredients.  Fortunately, after analyzing the most popular ingredients used in female enhancement supplements, there are a handful of clear winners!

What Are the Best Herbs for Boosting Female Libido?

Although there are many herbs which improve female libido and enhance pleasure, these plants are some of the best (and with explanations as to why!).

Maca (Lepidium meyenii)

Maca is native to the Andes mountains region, only growing at altitudes of over 3500 m high.  While sometimes it is called the Peruvian Ginseng, it has many local names by which it has been known throughout the years. It has been considered one of the most precious herbs in cultures surrounding the area, possessing extremely rich nutrients and health properties (Li et al., 2019). Maca has a history of being used as far back as nearly 6000 years.  It has received favorable attention from several international organizations, including the FAO, the International Plant Genetic Resources, the Department of Health Planning in China, and many others.

The curious herb contains components which make it an excellent aide to sexual and fertility enhancement, energy and stamina (anti-fatigue), antioxidation, and more (Wang et al., 2007). Maca root has long been used for its purported abilities to reduce stress and increase relaxation (Korkmaz, 2017).  It is reasonable to consider how relaxing the mind can help the body more easily achieve a more aroused state. It is also known to be helpful for improving libido in women experiencing menopause or menopause symptoms (Brooks et al., 2008). Maca is one of the key ingredients in Pirate Blast.

Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe)

Yohimbe has a powerful, historical use as an aphrodisiac in many cultures. Traditionally, Yohimbe has been suggested to offer sexual stimulation properties (Kotta et al., 2013).  It is also believed to boost adrenaline supply, specifically to nerve endings and the pelvic nerve network (2013).  Yohimbe is also one of the strongest energy-supplying herbs included in many enhancement pill formulae.  In fact, many female sex pills with a natural, herbal formula will include Yohimbe. For example, Yohimbe is included in Pirate Blast.

One study on the sexual effects of Yohimbe found that the herb made it easier for individuals to reach orgasm during sexual activity (Kotta et al., 2013).  Participants from this same study found orgasms more pleasurable, longer lasting, and an overall increase to sexual vigor (2013).  Throughout recent decades, Yohimbe has even earned several libido and intimacy-oriented nick names. And it remains one of the most popular libido-boosting herbs to date.

Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea)woman taking supplements

A recent Express news article listed Rhodiola rosea as one of the best, natural herbs for low libido (Turrill, 2018). Within this excerpt, Dr David Edwards (MD) explains the science behind the herb, suggesting in his contribution to the Journal of Sexual Medicine publication that it is helpful in relieving stress, fatigue, exhaustion, and low sex drive. He has also highlighted Rhodiola as a traditional remedy of over 30 years of scientific backing and empirical data (2018).  The energy-boosting properties of Rhodiola also make it easier for a woman to give their libido a swift kick in the butt!

Rhodiola is native to the arctic regions of the world (primarily growing in Europe and Asia, although it can also be found prevalently throughout Alaska). It has been mentioned in ancient Greek literature, specifically by Greek physician Dioscorides (Wal and Prajapati, 2019).  Dioscorides suggested its use as an adaptogen, offering extreme stress-relieving properties (2019). Rhodiola could arguably be one of the strongest, natural solutions for low female libido.  It has been suggested to improve one’s self-confidence, desire for romance, and improved sexual focus (Turrill, 2018).

Panax Ginseng and Korean Red Ginseng (KRG)

Ginseng has been a long part of ancient, Chinese medicine.  This is especially true in terms of natural aphrodisiacs. It was even mentioned in ancient Greek texts. Panax Ginseng is a powerful antioxidant, removing damaging oxidizing agents from the body (Kotta et al., 2013). Certain strains of ginseng (such as KRG) have been suggested to improve sexual desire in premenopausal women (Chung et al., 2015). There are a lot of empirical studies on ginseng, especially KRG, and its effects on libido and sexual satisfaction.

One study on menopausal women suffering from female sexual dysfunction proved oral administration of KRG extracts significantly improved sexual arousal and overall sexual desire (Oh et al., 2010). This study specifically supports the use of ginseng as an alternative medicine for menopausal women with low sex drive (2010). And while it may not be the strongest option for low libido, it absolutely makes the list of herbs that help.

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

Red Clover is in the legume family, much like a bean that might be found at a salad bar. Unlike a common lima bean, however, Red Clover is revered for its ability to boost libido, especially in females (Lipovac et al., 2011).  This is because the herb produces a high-isoflavone phytoestrogen which is close in composition to female estrogen (2011). Hailing from Europe and Asia, it is now naturalized across the world. Red Clover is a popular herb for women in menopause, and for all women suffering from low sex drive. One study showed Red Clover as helpful for mood, sleep, and overall energy (2011). All-in-all, it is a great, natural solution to boost female libido and has well-earned its place on this list.

Green Tea Extract (isolated from Camellia sinensis)

Green tea is generally believed to originate in China, and it is still extremely popular in the country. The tea extract itself is produced from freshly plucked and preserved Camellia sinensis leaves. The tea produced from the correctly preserved foliage is far richer in chlorophyll and other antioxidants (Vishnoi et al., 2018). Green tea offers the body reliable energy and endurance via natural caffeine. The caffeine is much lighter than which is offered in a coffee bean, thus reducing the likelihood of a caffeine crash.  Still, there is enough caffeine present to enjoy the favorable, attention-heightening, and energy boost properties of the compound. Green tea extract is used in Pirate Blast for its ability to create energy and focus, helping the libido stay better tuned with increased sexual desire.

Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris)

Tribulus is a caltrop plant, named so for the spiky fruit it bears.  The spikes are so sharp they have been known to puncture bicycle tires (Karmelek,  2011).  The vine itself has many traditional uses but is commonly turned to for female infertility and libido issues.  While there is currently little empirical data supporting these purported claims, some studies have revealed a possible link between Tribulus and increased sex drive (Neychev and Mitev, 2015). Admittedly, these studies typically suggest more research is required (2015).

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)

Fenugreek belongs to the Fabaceae family, with bushy, oblong leaves. It is cultivated around the globe and popular in Ayurveda medicine. Although it is commonly used for culinary applications, it is sometimes used for its aphrodisiac properties. One recent article in the Washington Post reported Fenugreek can amplify sex drive by at least 25 percent (Flock, 2011).

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba has a tremendous history throughout Chinese medicine.  It has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including sexual dysfunction in females.  Ginkgo works by improving blood flow to the brain, which in turn improves the brain’s likelihood of increasing libido (Cohen and Bartlik, 1998). While this may not be a direct boost to sexual drive, it is worth mentioning for its indirect, favorable effects on libido.

Combinations of Herbs and Proprietary Blends

pirate blast libido boosterThere are many ways to put together a daily female libido enhancing supplement regimen; however, many existing proprietary blends have already isolated proven, effective formulae. These blends often use a combination of the herbs on this list to produce the strongest, libido-boosting supplements.  The source of ingredients, care for the harvest, manufacturing process, storage and shipping practices, all play a colossal part in offering an effective libido pill.

One powerful proprietary blend, Pirate Blast, is comprised of Yohimbe, Maca, Rhodiola, Green Tea, and Huperzine extracts.  Yohimbe and Maca provide the traditional, natural aphrodisiac properties to the formula.  Green Tea and Huperzine extracts are responsible for improving energy, focus, and memory-building components of the experience. The ingredients are believed to offer improved performance, increased sexual sensation, sexual vigor, sexual desire (aka libido), stamina, energy, and more!*

A Few Final Words On Female Libido and Enhancement Pills…

The female libido, like all libido, is a curious mechanism.  It can be difficult to turn on, “on demand,” however, it is certainly possible to enhance the libido. With the right practice and routines, it is also possible to encourage and entice libido activity (Leventhal, 2000). With correct diet, exercise, and supplements, the female libido can be maximized. It is possible to enhance the libido and any pleasure that may ensure. And it pays to create a supplement regimen with quality ingredients, from reputable sources, which work well together to create the desired effects.  For example, weaving the right female libido-inducing herbs together, means producing an effective formula.  Pirate Blast is carefully formulated to produce a significant boost to libido, energy, and stamina, as to enhance sexual enticement and enjoyment.  With thousands of pills sold and a pharmacist-approved formula, it can always be counted on!

Most women would probably agree it is worth it to improve their libido when they notice any of the typical arousal responses have diminished. And while a woman’s sex drive can be a fickle thing, it is reasonable to assume it easier to be aroused when the body is properly primed for the experience. Some of the easiest ways to prepare the female body for arousal, is by dilating the blood vessels in the genitals (Musicki et al., 2009), bringing the mind to a relaxed state (Finley, 2017), and increasing estrogen (Bancroft, 1989).  And thankfully, some formulae, like the one used in Pirate Blast, are specifically crafted with natural, body-friendly ingredients to improve these exact constituents.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This article, nor any products or supplements mentioned within the article are meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.


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