Best Nootropic Supplement for Breathing Support

Nootropic Supplements That Improve Breathing and Asthma

Breathing problems can change the entire quality of life for some people.  For others, it may just be a minor nuisance. Regardless of the depths of the problem, there is a powerful nootropic supplement that can work wonders for breathing-related ailments.  It is even possible to use nootropics to combat asthma or bronchitis! There is no sense in suffering with a breathing ailment when there is a viable nootropic for controlling the ailments and conditions.


Top Nootropics for Breathing Support

This is the best nootropic supplement for asthma and breathing-related ailments.

Nigella Sativa

Nigella Sativa is also known as Black Cumin, and its seeds hold a lot of potent medicinal properties (Chevallier, 2016). There are many modern, empirical studies which are suggesting the seeds are a reasonable treatment for many breathing issues.  For example, they can treat nasal congestion (2016).  Additionally, they have been outlined to potentially treat bronchial asthma with great effect (Shakeri et al., 2016).  Nigella’s positive effects on breathing have been recorded as far back as the 14th century, where it would be used as an aid for gasping, shortness of breath, and hard breathing (Koshak et al., 2017). It has even been suggested to have the power to stop phlegm altogether.  Many modern uses of Nigella still include cough, asthma, and treatment of other breathing-related conditions (2017).

Last Notes On Using Breathing Support Nootropic Supplements

Using nootropics to alleviate breathing ailments might be one of the best ways to get the condition or problem under control.  Nootropic supplements typically offer extremely reliable, holistic healing properties which can be counted upon on a day-to-day basis.  Simply adding Nigella Sativa to one’s daily routine can make a huge difference in dealing with asthma, bronchitis, or nearly any other breathing-related problem.

A Note From NooFiles

This article is intended to be used for information only.  We want to remind you that consulting your physician is recommended before adding any dietary supplement of any kind to your daily regimen.


Chevallier, A. (2016). Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Third Edition. DK Publishing. New York, New York. ISBN 978-1-4654-4981-8

Koshak, A., Wei, L., Koshak, E., Wali, S., Alamoudi, O., Demerdash, A., Qutub, M., Pushparaj, P. N., & Heinrich, M. (2017). Nigella sativa Supplementation Improves Asthma Control and Biomarkers: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Phytotherapy research : PTR, 31(3), 403–409. Shakeri, F., Gholamnezhad, Z., Mégarbane, B., Rezaee, R., and Boskabady, M. H. (2016). Gastrointestinal effects of Nigella sativa and its main constituent, thymoquinone: a review. Avicenna journal of phytomedicine. Vol. 6(1). Pp. 9–20. PMID: 27247918