Best Nootropics for Panic Attack

What Are the Best Nootropics for Panic Attacks?

Anyone who has experienced a panic attack can vouch for the fact they are no fun at all.  From dizzy confusion to absolute fear, these episodes can feel a lot like “the end of the world” is coming! Fortunately, there are many natural, holistic solutions to panic attacks, including the use of nootropics. Many of the nootropics used for panic attacks may be considered adaptogens, which will be discussed further below.  However, it is important to remember, nootropics often work best in combination, which is why many nootropic stacks and supplements for panic or anxiety will include more than one of these herbs.

What is a Panic Attack?

A panic attack can be defined as a sudden onset, or an episode, of intense fear.  It is normally triggered by conditions of stress or stressful thoughts.  It can lead to severe physical symptoms, even when no real danger or cause is present. The physical symptoms can include but are not limited to sweaty palms, increased breathing, increased heart rate, sweating, headaches, dizziness, disconnect from reality, and more. Sometimes, panic attacks appear out of nowhere.

What are Stress and Anxiety?

StressStress can be defined as how an individual responds to external stimuli when feeling under pressure or threatened. Normally, it occurs in situations or during events which are out of the individual’s apparent control or management.  An individual with stress can suffer in terms of mental and physical performance.  Residual stress can play a degrading role on the mind and body in general. And too much stress from one situation can create anxiety.

Anxiety can be defined as intense or excessive fear or worry about nearly any situation, whether specific or every day.  It can be caused by repetitive stress factors, or for no reason at all.  It is normally accompanied by faster heart rate, increased breathing, feeling tired, or feeling disconnected. A lot of anxiety can be responsible for a variety of stress reactions, including panic attack.

What are Nootropics?

Nootropics are typically synonymous with the term “smart drug,” as they tend to impact cognitive function in some way.  In fact, one of the criteria for an herb or supplement being labeled a nootropic is that it offers cognitive and neuroprotective benefits.  The remainder of the properties, provided by the scientist who first coined the term “nootropic” (Corneliu E. Giurgea) include that it aids brain function under hypoxic conditions, enhances memory or learning, and is non-toxic to humans.  These types of traits may provide a lot of benefit in the realm of anti-anxiety and destressing, especially adaptogenic nootropics.

What Can Nootropics Do for Panic Attacks?

While there are many nootropics which can improve panic attack symptoms and destress the mind, there are some which undoubtedly work better than others. This is a list of some of the most responsive nootropics when it comes to anti-anxiety.

5-HTP (Griffonia seeds)

5-HTP is a well-known precursor for the neurotransmitter serotonin. This neurotransmitter is also called the “happy hormone,” given it has such a significant impact on mood and balance in the brain.  5-HTP is most commonly synthesized from the Griffonia simplicifolia plant, and it has recently become one of the most popular nootropic supplements for stress, anxiety, and panic attacks.  It is typically used for its ability to promote a calming and relaxation effect. 5-HTP is also known to improve memory and learning, as well as aiding in many other physiological functions.  One of the reasons this nootropic works so well is its ability to easily cross the blood-brain barrier and increase serotonin production.

One of our products, Pirate Chill, makes great use of this nootropic in its anxiety and stress-relieving effects.

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)

PassionflowerPassionflower, also sometimes known as “Passiflora”, was first discovered and mentioned by a Spanish doctor known as Monardes in Peru in the mid-to-late 1500s.  It was soon after introduce to Europe, mostly for ornamental purposes.  It was eventually discovered (in Europe) to have a number of medicinal properties which peaked the interest of several botanists and chemists. In present time, it is known as one of the most powerful anti-stress and anti-anxiety nootropics.  It is a very common ingredient in a variety of nootropic stacks and supplements.  It is purported that it increases the natural formation of GABA, which is known to improve and relax brain activity.  For its many anti-anxiety effects, it has become a part of many holistic medicines around the world.

Pirate Chill makes great use of this nootropic in its maximum relaxation formula.

L-Theanine (Boletus badius., Camellia sinensis., Gamma-ethylamino-L-glutamic acid)

L-theanine is one of the most critical, key amino acids naturally found in various forms of herbal tea. While it is not naturally forming in the body, it is well absorbed by the body and offers a number of stress-relieving properties.  L-Theanine was first discovered as a constituent of tea (specifically Camellia sinensis) in the mid 1900s. It can be synthesized from black, green, or white teas in significant quantities. It is considered one of the best calming nootropics, and very commonly used in Chinese traditional medicine.  It works by supporting more positive brain function and by improving overall mood and tranquility.

Pirate Chill also makes use of this nootropic’s ability to promote serenity and more calm brain function.

Valerian Extract (Valeriana officinalis)

Valerian root may be most commonly known for its ability to improve the quality of sleep; however, it has also been purported to help with anti-anxiety, stress relief, and general relaxation.  Both studies and anecdotal reports have outlined the herb’s ability to decrease anxiety and stress. Valerian root has a long history of use as a medicine, dating back to the time of Ancient Greece, where it was first reported as having significant medicinal use by Hippocrates and Dioscorides.

Our product, Pirate Chill, includes a healthy dose of Valerian root to extract to obtain its ultimate serenity effects.

Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)

Gotu Kola has also been called the “Fountain of Life” for its apparent legendary longevity effects. In fact, in Ancient China, it is believed that some individuals have lived over a hundred years, even two hundred years from using Gotu Kola daily.  It has been used to treat a variety of ailments, however, is very popular for its ability to improve mental fatigue and decrease stress.

B Vitamins

Vitamin BAll of the B vitamins are able to offer anti-anxiety effects. They are also known to improve overall mood.  Some research has found that people who consume foods rich in B-vitamins see outstanding improvements in terms of anxiety and stress throughout everyday life. For this reason, it is commonly included as a nootropic in many anti-anxiety stacks and supplements.

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea is often underestimated in terms of stress relief. This is despite the fact the herb has been long used for its anti-stress and anti-aging properties. It is a powerful nootropic adaptogen, and is able to enhance the body’s natural resistance to physical and mental stress.

We encourage you to check out our other article, Best Nootropic Adaptogens, for more information on how nootropics can decrease stress.

Bacopa Monnieri (Waterhyssop)

Many people stand by Bacopa’s ability to decrese stress and depression.  Many studies support these anecdotal claims, proving that participants who consumed Bacopa supplements on a regular basis showed decreased anxiety and improved stress scores across the board.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Ashwagandha Ashwagandha has been used for thousands of years, being first traced to about 6,000 B.C..  It was first mentioned in traditional Ayurvedic medicine and is a staple herb throughout Indian culture. The herb has a plethora of neuroprotective effects and helps modulate the release of the stress hormone cortisol.

For more information on adaptogenic nootropics, we encourage you visit our other blog, Best Nootropic Adaptogens.

A Few More Words on Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are no joke, and sometimes they can be more serious than others. For this reason, they should never be taken lightly. If someone is feeling like they are having a panic attack, it is still almost always necessary to contact a doctor or visit the ER. This is because symptoms of a panic attack can often resemble those of many heart conditions, including heart attack.  Taking anti-anxiety and stress-reducing nootropics on a regular basis may help thwart a lot of these symptoms, and should be best thought of as a preventative measure.*

Final Words on Nootropics Used for Panic Attacks

Ultimately, there is a lot to say about panic attacks, stress, and anxiety. There is also a lot to say about nootropics. Utilizing nootropic stacks and supplements can improve many facets of one’s life, and panic attacks are no exception. A lot of times, it’s about finding the right nootropic for you, which you can take on a regular basis, in order to destress and diminish the symptoms surrounding the buildup of a panic attack.

*Disclaimer: Always speak with your physician before adding any nootropics, supplements, or herbs to your daily regimen.

Best Nootropics for Anxiety, Stress, and Relaxation

Nootropics that Improve Anxiety and Reduce Stress

Finding a nootropic that can calm the nerves and improve an individual’s ability to relax is easier than one might realize. There are many nootropics for the task, but ten stand out as clear winners.  Utilizing the best nootropics for stress, it is possible to massively (if not entirely) reduce anxiety and lead a life of happiness and peace. These nootropics are most commonly consumed as a dietary supplement.  They are also typically used as a daily regimen, meaning they will work best as they are consumed daily, religiously every day, and at the same time every day.


Top Ten Nootropic Herbs for Stress and Anxiety

Out of all the nootropics and holistic methods for reducing anxiety, ten nootropics could be showcased as the best herbs for reducing anxiety and treating stress. Although some herbs may be more effective for one individual over another, this list is officially being presented in alphabetical order.


Ashwagandha is one of the best known adaptogens in Eastern traditional medicine.  It has slowly made its way into Western culture, and more recently has been used as a holistic way to combat stress. It can be found in many well-respected writings and philosophical texts for its ability to help reduce anxiety and promote a calm, relaxing effect on the mind and body (Singh et al., 2011).

Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa monnieri is one of strongest nootropic herbs for stabilizing the mind and allowing the body to relax (Beshara et al., 2019).  It is a natural relaxation herb, giving the mind an opportunity to operate in its most pristine state.  There have been many studies which have proven Bacopa’s ability to significantly reduce anxiety.  This includes the ability to reduce anxiety-driven physiological symptoms such as nervousness, palpitations, insomnia, headaches, and more (2019).

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm has been used for a long time to decrease tension and improve calmness within the central nervous system (Chevallier, 2016).  The herb’s volatile oils (citral and citronellal) are primarily responsible for its stress-relieving properties.  There are also antispasmodic properties which aid the herb’s ability to relax the body and induce an overall calming effect within the CNS (2016).  There are even heart-calming effects which can have a positive impact on the body’s overall state as well (Steinhubl et al., 2015).

Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Lion’s Mane Mushroom is one of the most versatile nootropic herbs.  The fungus is well-known to promote enhanced, calming moods and reduce overall negative symptoms of anxiety and stress (Beshara et al., 2019).  The fungus is used for its anxiety reducing effects in a series of clinical trials which sustain the benefit claims that it is an excellent treatment for stress of all types (Nagano et al., 2010).  Because Lion’s Mane so positively affects anxiety, it also improves sleep and has been considered an excellent anti-depressant as well (Vigna et al., 2019).

Longvida Curcumin

The ability for a nootropic to improve mood is one of the most powerful ways to combat anxiety symptoms.  Curcumin is able to significantly improve mood by invoking and retaining a state of calmness (Cox et al., 2015).  It improves overall health and has offered such low anxiety levels it is often considered a treatment for depression (Stohs et al., 2020).  Turmeric is also known to reduce oxidative stress, even decreasing plaque accumulation in the brain region modulating mood and anxiety (Ramaholimihaso et al., 2020).


When it comes to stress-relieving herbs, L-Theanine is one of the best-known anxiety relievers throughout many Eastern cultures.  This is largely due to its ability to reduce and eliminate oxidative stress, allowing the mind and body to remain calm and focused (Ross, 2014).  Its antioxidant properties make it a wonderful mood booster (Dodd et al., 2015).  Many studies suggest its ability to relieve stress ailments and promote improved mental health (Hidese et al., 2019).

Panax Ginseng

Fresh Ginseng

As an adaptogen, Panax Ginseng is one of the strongest nootropics available. It is often turned to in stressful situations for its quick calming effects (Orr, 2014). It destresses the brain and allows the body a chance to relax. It is such a powerful adaptogen that it decreases the body’s natural worry about hunger, fatigue, and extreme temperature (Chevallier, 2016).  Furthermore, it helps regulate many of the body’s basic stressor symptoms and functions (Conkling & Wong, 2006).  For all of these reasons, Panax offers the body a great chance to improve overall mood.

Poria Mushroom

Poria Mushroom offers amazing relaxation properties, even being considered a natural anti-depressant (Huang et al., 2020).  Poria is even considered a holistic sedative in many cultures (2020). It is an effective antioxidant, helping the herb destress the mind and body (Lin et al., 2012). Its anti-stress properties are so strong it even promotes healthier sleep (Chen et al., 2010).

Red Reishi Mushroom

Red Reishi Mushroom has been well-known for its modern applications of relieving stress and providing the mind and body with antioxidant properties (Cor et al., 2018).  It has been known to improve longevity and offer extremely therapeutic effects (2018).  It is also commonly used as a powerful mood booster, providing so much stress relief it can reduce the seizure threshold (Socala et al., 2015).  Ultimately, it is one of the best nootropics for controlling mood (Matsuzaki et al., 2013).

Rhodiola Crenulate

Rhodiola Fresh Flowering

Rhodiola is one of the strongest nootropic adaptogens used around the world to improve the entire body to some extent or another (Orr, 2014).  The herb is extremely well-used throughout both Chinese and Ayurvedic traditional medicine.  It is also able to improve physical and mental endurance, which helps the body better cope with stress and improve work productivity (2014).  If that weren’t enough, Rhodiola can also improve the mind and body’s natural ability to resist chemical and environmental stressors (Beshara et al., 2019).

Final Notes About Using Nootropics for Anxiety

Although it may not be necessary, it is also possible to combine these nootropics, even all of them, within the established daily values the FDA advises, in a “super stack” to have a greater impact on anxiety. Depending upon the level of stress being experienced, it may make more sense for an individual to choose more than one of these anti-anxiety herbs. Still, some of the most commonly used herbs for anxiety will always remain those on this list, especially Ashwagandha, Bacopa monnieri, Lion’s Mane Mushroom, and Panax Ginseng.

A Note From NooFiles

This article is intended to be used for information only.  We want to remind you that consulting your physician is recommended before adding any dietary supplement of any kind to your daily regimen.


Beshara, J., Engle, D., and Haynes, K. (2019). Beyond Coffee. Monocle Publishing. ISBN 9781544505459

Chen, R., Moriya, J., Yamakawa, J., Takahashi, T., and Kanda, T. (2010). Traditional chinese medicine for chronic fatigue syndrome. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine. Vol. 7(1). Pp. 3–10. DOI:

Chevallier, A. (2016). Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Third Edition. DK Publishing. New York, New York. ISBN 978-1-4654-4981-8

Conkling, W. and Wong, D. (2006). The Complete Guide to Vitamins and Supplements: The Holistic Path to Good Health. Avon Health Publishing. New York, NY. ISBN: 978-0-06-076066-3.

Cör, D., Knez, Ž., and Knez Hrnčič, M. (2018). Antitumour, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Antiacetylcholinesterase Effect of Ganoderma Lucidum Terpenoids and Polysaccharides: A Review. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). Vol. 23(3). Pp. 649. DOI:

Cox, K., Pipingas, A., and Scholey, A. (2015). Investigation of the effects of solid lipid curcumin on cognition and mood in a healthy older population. J Psychopharmacol. Vol. 29(5). Pp. 642-51. DOI: 10.1177/0269881114552744

Dodd, F., Kennedy, D., Riby, L., and Haskell-Ramsay, C. (2015). A double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluating the effects of caffeine and L-theanine both alone and in combination on cerebral blood flow, cognition and mood. Psychopharmacology (Berl). Vol. 232(14). Pp. 2563-76. DOI: 10.1007/s00213-015-3895-0

Hidese, S., Ogawa, S., Ota, M., Ishida, I., Yasukawa, Z., Ozeki, M., and Kunugi, H. (2019). Effects of L-Theanine Administration on Stress-Related Symptoms and Cognitive Functions in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients. Vol. 11(10). Pp. 2362. DOI: 10.3390/nu11102362

Huang, Y., Hsu, N., Lu, K., Lin, Y., Lin, S., Lu, Y., Liu, W., Chen, M., and Sheen, L. (2020). Poria cocos water extract ameliorates the behavioral deficits induced by unpredictable chronic mild stress in rats by down-regulating inflammation. J Ethnopharmacol. Vol. 258. DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2020.112566

Lin, Z., Gu, J., Xiu, J., Mi, T., Dong, J., and Tiwari, J. K. (2012). Traditional chinese medicine for senile dementia. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine. PMID: 21808655. DOI:

Matsuzaki, H., Shimizu, Y., Iwata, N., Kamiuchi, S., Suzuki, F., Iizuka, H., Hibino, Y., & Okazaki, M. (2013). Antidepressant-like effects of a water-soluble extract from the culture medium of Ganoderma lucidum mycelia in rats. BMC complementary and alternative medicine. Vol. 13. Pp. 370. DOI:

Nagano, M., Shimizu, K., Kondo, R., Hayashi, C., Sato, D., Kitagawa, K., and Ohnuki, K. (2010). Reduction of depression and anxiety by 4 weeks Hericium erinaceus intake. Biomed Res. Vol. (4). Pp. 231-7. DOI: 10.2220/biomedres.31.231

Orr, S. (2014). The New American Herbal. Clarkson Potter Publishers. New York, New York. ISBN 978-0-449-81993-7.

Ramaholimihaso, T., Bouazzaoui, F., and Kaladjian, A. (2020). Curcumin in Depression: Potential Mechanisms of Action and Current Evidence-A Narrative Review. Frontiers in psychiatry. Vol. 11. PMID: 33329109 DOI:

Ross, S. (2014). L-theanine (suntheanin): effects of L-theanine, an amino acid derived from Camellia sinensis (green tea), on stress response parameters. Holist Nurs Pract. Vol. 28(1). Pp. 65-8. DOI: 10.1097/HNP.0000000000000009

Socala, K., Nieoczym, D., Grzywnowicz, K., Stefaniuk, D., and Wlaz, P. (2015). Evaluation of Anticonvulsant, Antidepressant-, and Anxiolytic-like Effects of an Aqueous Extract from Cultured Mycelia of the Lingzhi or Reishi Medicinal Mushroom Ganoderma lucidum (Higher Basidiomycetes) in Mice. Int J Med Mushrooms. Vol. 17(3). Pp. 209-18. DOI: 10.1615/intjmedmushrooms.v17.i3.10

Singh, N., Bhalla, M., de Jager, P., & Gilca, M. (2011). An overview on ashwagandha: a Rasayana (rejuvenator) of Ayurveda. African journal of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicines : AJTCAM. Vol. 8(5 Suppl). Pp. 208–213. DOI:

Steinhubl, S. R., Wineinger, N. E., Patel, S., Boeldt, D. L., Mackellar, G., Porter, V., Redmond, J. T., Muse, E. D., Nicholson, L., Chopra, D., & Topol, E. J. (2015). Cardiovascular and nervous system changes during meditation. Frontiers in human neuroscience. Vol. 9. Pp. 145. DOI:

Stohs, S., Chen, O., Ray, S., Ji, J., Bucci, L., and Preuss, H. (2020). Highly Bioavailable Forms of Curcumin and Promising Avenues for Curcumin-Based Research and Application: A Review. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). Vol. 25(6). Pp. 1397. DOI: Vigna, L., Morelli, F., Agnelli, G., Napolitano, F.,et al., (2019). Hericium erinaceus Improves Mood and Sleep Disorders in Patients Affected by Overweight or Obesity: Could Circulating Pro-BDNF and BDNF Be Potential Biomarkers?.  Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Vol. 2019, Article ID 7861297. Pp. 1-12. DOI:

The Nootropics Library: Rhodiola Crenulata

Everything You Need To Know About Rhodiola Crenulata

General Information

Scientific Name: Rhodiola crenulata (or Rhodiola rosea)

Any Other Names: Sometimes mistaken for a close cousin, Rhodiola Rosea, Golden Root

Primary Constituents: Phenylpropanoids (e.g. rosavins), salidroside, flavonoids, monoterpenes (rosiridin), and triterpenes

Country or Region of Origin: Artic Regions of Alaska, Canada, Russia, Scandinavia, and Scotland; Indigenous to the Mountainous Regions

Known Uses: Adaptogen, Antidepressant, Anti-inflammatory, Cognitive Enhancer

General History & Introduction

Rhodiola is also known as the “Golden Root” throughout many traditional cultures (Orr, 2014). It is native to artic regions and thrives in some of the most extreme environments.  In fact, the rough terrain of the mountains provide the herb a most attraction place to grow. The plant itself can cope and survive in some of the harshest, and most stressful habitats. Rhodiola has been hailed a general tonic herb, offering improvements to overall health to the whole body (2014). It is a part of traditional Chinese medicine and has been used to treat a variety of conditions and ailments (Beshara et al., 2019).  Rhodiola may be heavily used in modern, medicinal practices all over the world, however, the first documented use of the herb dates back to 90 AD when famed Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides recorded its benefits (Morris, 2019).

Nootropic Benefits of Rhodiola Crenulata

Cognitive Enhancer


Many cultures have turned to Rhodiola for its incredible ability to release mental tension and hone mental acuity (Orr, 2014). Rhodiola has been hailed alongside many nootropics for its ability to enhance circulation to the brain and act as a precursor for neurotransmitters critical to cognitive function (Tabassum et al., 2012). For these reasons, the herb is very commonly chosen for career-focused or entrepreneur nootropic stacks (2012).  It is frequently combined with Ginkgo biloba, which has been proven to offer endurance enhancements of the mind and body (Zhang et al., 2009, Al-Kuraishy, 2015).

Adaptogen, Stress & Anxiety

Rhodiola has been well-qualified as a nootropic adaptogen, or a general tonic which improves the entire body to some extent (Orr, 2014). These types of ingredients are very popular in both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.  One of Rhodiola’s best adaptogenic benefits is its ability to impact both physical and mental endurance.  It has been revered as such a strong energy booster, and it is commonly utilized in China as a “work productivity” herb (2014).  The root has the purported ability to improve the mind and body’s natural resistance to chemical and environmental stressors (Beshara et al., 2019).

Libido and Energy


In addition to its ability to provide a natural boost to energy, the natural herb is used throughout Chinese culture for its innate libido-boosting properties (Orr, 2014). Many ancient Chinese recipes have included Rhodiola for its incredible ability to relieve fatigue and provide a smooth energy boost (2014). Rhodiola is used to improve one’s ability to focus and maintain endurance (Beshara et al., 2019). It is also frequently turned to for its stamina-boosting properties (2019).

Other Benefits

Some sources have claimed the herb provides a great boost to immune system even being able to reduce the risk of catching the common cold (Orr, 2014).  In fact, it is a traditional Chinese remedy for improving the overall immune system (Beshara et al., 2019).  Rhodiola is used for its anti-inflammatory properties. Some athletes even use the herb to reduce some types of muscle damage.  The root is also frequently (and successfully) used as a natural, holistic treatment for depression (2019).

Dosing and Usage Information


Rhodiola has traditionally been consumed as a tea or tincture, however, it is more popularly consumed today as a dietary supplement (Orr, 2014). Normal daily doses of the herb in its supplement form range from 100 to 1000 mg or more, depending upon the extraction potency.

Side Effects

While Rhodiola is generally considered safe for consumption within normal established daily values, it should not be taken during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, during menstruation, or if prone to kidney stones (Orr, 2014).

Other Important Information

Rhodiola Crenulata is commonly mistaken for, or used interchangeably with a close cousin, Rhodiola Rosea.  Rhodiola Rosea is a species within the same family, but it lacks the same quality of salidroside, a component that contributes to a large percentage of the favorable benefits produced by the plant (Orr, 2014). Besides being included in several Ancient Chinese remedies, Rhodiola has also been hailed as a holistic powerhouse in Russian medicine.  The Russians revered the plant for its versatile ability to favorably impact many aspects of human health, including neurological and psychiatric problems. It has been especially respected for its ability to aid in schizophrenia and depression (2014).


Rhodiola is surprisingly versatile, allowing nootropic enthusiasts the ability to modify many aspects of their neurotransmitter production and regular cognitive routine.  It is a strong adaptogen, an alluring libido booster, and an effective mood booster (Orr, 2014). Rhodiola may appear less often in the tabloids, so to speak, but there is no mistaking its power as an electrifying nootropic influence!  It is no wonder it is in many popular proprietary blends and nootropic stacks.

A Note from NooFiles

This article is intended to be used for information only.  We want to remind you that consulting your physician is recommended before adding any dietary supplement of any kind to your daily regimen.


Al-Kuraishy H. M. (2015). Central additive effect of Ginkgo biloba and Rhodiola rosea on psychomotor vigilance task and short-term working memory accuracy. Journal of intercultural ethnopharmacology. Vol. 5(1). Pp. 7–13. DOI:

Beshara, J., Engle, D., and Haynes, K. (2019). Beyond Coffee. Monocle Publishing. ISBN 9781544505459

Morris, J. (2019). Smart Plants: Power Foods and Natural Nootropics For Optimized Thinking, Focus, and Memory. Sterling Epicure Publishing. New York, New York. Pp. 104-105. ISBN 978-1-4549-3342-7.

Orr, S. (2014). The New American Herbal. Clarkson Potter Publishers. New York, New York. ISBN 978-0-449-81993-7.

Tabassum, N., Rasool, S., Malik, Z., Ahmad, F. (2012). Natural Cognitive Enhancers. Journal of Pharmacy Research. Vol. 5(1). ISSN: 0974-6943.

Zhang, Zj., Tong, Y., and Zou, J. (2009). Dietary supplement with a combination of Rhodiola crenulata and Ginkgo biloba enhances the endurance performance in healthy volunteers. Chin. J. Integr. Med. Vol. 15. Pp. 177–183. DOI:

The Nootropics Library: Red Reishi Mushroom

Everything You Need To Know About Red Reishi Mushroom

General Information

Scientific Name: Ganoderma lingzhi / Ganoderma lucidum

Any Other Names: Reishi, Ling Zhi, Munnertake, Sachitake, Youngzhi, “Mushroom of Immortality”

Primary Constituents: Polysaccharides (Beta-Glucans, Coumarin, Mannitol, and Alkaloids), Fungal Immunomodulatory Proteins (FIPs), Ganoderic Acids, Triterpenoids

Country or Region of Origin: Native to Asia, Europe, and North America

Known Uses: Anti-Fatigue, Mood Booster, Antioxidant and Stress Reducer, Immune System Booster, Hearth Health, and More


General History & Introduction

Red Reishi Mushrooms are native to China, most of Asia, and scattered amongst comparable climates throughout the world. Although extremely rare, they are easy to spot with their bright red or orange-hued, clam-shaped glow protruding from a tree. These mushrooms are well-known and trusted constituents of traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, some common Chinese folklore glorifies the Reishi mushroom as the “Mushroom of Immortality,” where it is known as Ling Zhi and has been utilized for thousands of years (Knechtges, 1996). The primary reason the Red mushroom was nicknamed the Mushroom of Immorality is due to its purported anti-disease properties, fighting and preventing most major diseases of modern times (Paterson, 2006). And while the mushroom has many traditional uses, today it is easier to implement into a daily regimen as a nootropic extract.

Nootropic Benefits of Red Reishi Mushroom


Despite the fact the mushroom is known throughout traditional Chinese culture as the “Mushroom of Immortality,” the Red Reishi is well-revered for its anti-fatigue effects on the mind and body (Wachtel-Galor et al., 2011). There are many bioactive constituents which may contribute to the mushrooms longevity and energy-preserving properties including nucleosides, peptides, phenolic compounds, polysaccharides, and triterpenoids (Geng et al., 2017). And although more research is still required to determine which types of fatigue and energy the mushroom may impact, many studies prove it clear that Red Reishi offers relevant energy boosting effects (2017).

Antioxidant and Overall Cognitive Health

Many traditional and modern applications of Red Reishi involve its stress relieving properties. It is also revered for its positive effects on cognitive health.  The antioxidant effects are part of the reason the mushroom is considered a general longevity herb (Cor et al., 2018). The proteins, lipids, phenols, sterols, and other bioactive compounds offer the mind and body very therapeutic effects (2018).

Mood Booster

Red Reishi Mushroom is commonly used for its mood boosting effects.  It is sometimes used to fight depression (Socala et al., 2015).  There are studies which suggest the herb can moderate mood, anxiety, and even seizure threshold (2015). Many studies propose that the mushroom’s water soluble extract has the potential to antagonize the 5-HT2A receptors which could help moderate anxiolytic-like effects toward many cognitive functions which contribute to mood (Matsuzaki et al., 2013).

Other Benefits

Red Reishi contains many bioactive components such as adenosines, flavonoids, peptides, polyphenols, and triterpenoids (Geng et al., 2017).  These components are responsible for many of the obscure, positive effects of the mushroom.  For example, Red Reishi can be found as an ingredient in many immune system support supplements.  The mushroom is also notoriously used to promote cardiovascular function and overall heart health. Part of the gains seen by the cardiovascular system are from the energy provided by the mushroom (2017). There are some Chinese medicinal recipes with Red Reishi which are used to control blood sugar (Winska et al., 2019). 

Although there is not enough empirical research available to reach a conclusion, there is some evidence which suggests that Red Reishi Mushroom may have anti-cancerous and anti-disease properties (Paterson, 2006). It has been shown to relieve blockages and pressure in the bladder. And other traditional applications of the herb are preparations meant to support respiratory health (2006).

Dosing and Usage Information

The fruiting bodies are where the Red Reishi offers most of its medicinal and culinary properties.  These are the orange-colored parts of the mushroom exposed and visible on the surface of the tree.  While these mushrooms have been foraged and consumed for thousands of years for their intrinsic value, they are commonly consumed as a healthy, purified extract via supplement.  The typical Red Reishi Mushroom dose is around 500 mg per serving, per day of extract. These extracts may be anywhere from 1:2 to 1:20 in strength, with the dose varying depending upon the strength of the extract.

Side Effects

People with liver disease or liver conditions are advised to avoid Red Reishi Mushroom.  The mushroom is generally considered safe for consumption within established daily values. Still, however rare, possible side effects may include dryness of the mouth, dryness of the nasal passageways, itchiness, rash, nausea, dizziness, headache, and diarrhea.

Other Important Information


Traditional use of Red Reishi in some cultures meant brewing the herb into an aromatic herbal tea or consuming dried or crushed preparations (Corbley, 2020).  Today, the herb is more commonly consumed as an extract. And because there are many different extracts available, it is important to consider the quality and potency of the extract (some are stronger than others).


Red Reishi Mushroom has long proven itself throughout many traditional Eastern medicines. In modern times, the mushroom is making an impact in Western healing as well, appearing in many studies and journals as of late.  The mushroom can be commonly found in longevity-based nootropic stacks and anti-fatigue/fitness supplements. Whether it is used for one of its more specific effects or as an overall health booster, it is a sensible addition to almost any daily regimen.

A Note from NooFiles

This article is intended to be used for information only.  We want to remind you that consulting your physician is recommended before adding any dietary supplement of any kind to your daily regimen.


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